Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Video Game Review - Canvas Rider

One day in class when everyone had finished working, I saw some friends of mine playing this game, Canvas Rider on Google Chrome. To me, it looked interesting enough, so surely, I gave it a whirl. Little did I know, in just a day, I would become so addicted to a simple little computer game.

This online game has its own website, called The purpose of this game is to complete tracks, made by others on the website. If you make an account, you can try to beat other member’s high score. The cost is free to make a membership for this addicting game, and you can save your times and like others tracks. You can view other's replay to see how they managed to beat the track if you're stuck on a particular level. I'm really surprised with how simple the game is. The game is created using nothing but JavaScript and HTML5 to make an exciting and challenging game. Yes, the game is challenging at first, but after a while you do get the hang of it. The controls are the Up arrow to move forward, the left and right arrows to balance, and the down arrow to break. Enter is to restart from the latest checkpoint, and the F key is for full screen. There are little dots that the creator can include, and if you ride into them, specific things will happen. Red means you'll blow up and blue is a checkpoint. Yellow are coins.

Now, this game may seem so simple, but don't underestimate its addictive qualities. This game may have you hooked for hours! There are over thousands of tracks, some are very easy, and some are not so easy, created by other players that will have you playing this game for hours on end.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Camp Jewell

Are you looking for something to do this Columbus Day weekend? Well just around the corner is Colebrook, CT, home of Camp Jewell. Camp Jewell is open year-round, but however, Columbus Day weekend is a popular weekend to go. Camp Jewell is a branch of the YMCA of the Greater Hartford area. The campsite offers 540 acres of fun. There are tons of activities to do here, including horseback riding, swimming, archery, mountain boarding, rock climbing, kayaking, pottery, guitar, high ropes, hiking, fishing, soccer and many more! There's even a giant slide featuring an 80-foot drop and a whole arena dubbed The Thunder Dome dedicated to wiffleball and holds up to 600 people! Farther in to the woods are high ropes and low ropes courses, and that includes a zipline from the top of the forest trees. According to the Camp Jewell website,, "In the winter, guests often enjoy cross-country skiing over our extensive network of trails, snowshoeing around the lake or simply taking a walk outside...followed by hot chocolate in the dining hall! Many children and 
adults alike get their first cross-country skiing experience at Camp Jewell. Guests may also ice-skate on one of our two ice rinks. Our winter guests enjoy quaint horse-drawn wagon rides through the beautiful forest, complete with hot chocolate!  Many guests like to warm up on a cold day with a lightning fast trip down camp's snow tubing hill!  Camp has it's own snow-making system, insuring a longer tubing season." There are 29 cabins (heated in the winter) fitting between 26 to 86 guests! The floor plan address is: 
And a map of everything that Camp Jewell has to offer and its locations can be found here at this address: There is also an overnight summer camp, where you will spend the night, every night, for 2 weeks. Their sports arenas and fields are spread along the bottom, and offer many sporting activities, plus a few I bet you've never heard of! On a clear night you can see the outer rings of The Milky Way before you head off to bed for a night of sleep and tomorrow begin a new day of fun! To contact Camp Jewell, please call
1-888-412-CAMP (2267) or e-mail the campsite at for any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the staff, or any other questions you may have to offer about the activities and programs during your stay at Camp Jewell.