As a gamer, nothing excites more than a hyped up, new release. Yet with the 8th generation of consoles, this may not turn out to be the case.
The Xbox One features a spunky, half-gray, half-black matte finish design, with the Xbox logo in the lower right hand corner. CD's will be inserted into the slot on the left-hand sign.
The Xbox One will also allow you to watch TV programs, and will also have TV achievements.
TV achievements?
Yes, Microsoft has decided to include their idea of giving TV watchers achievements, such as watching an entire season of your favorite show, or sitting there on the couch with a dumb look on your face. They'll also track your watchings
Other features include Skype, Blu-Ray player, a handy multi-tasking system, and a re-vamp of the Kinect.
However, the Microsoft team is saying that a constant internet connection is required, and will be checked every 24 hours. So if the Xbox has any plans to be sold in Egypt or any country undergoing the process of not imploding on itself, they may want to rethink that.
Another issue is the invasion of privacy. The Kinect will be a requirement for the Xbox One, and will remain on at all times (even in Sleep Mode, it will still be able to recognize commands.) Speaking of invasion: any webcam can easily be hacked, and would you want that in your house?
The controller has a similar resemblance to that of the Xbox 360's controller, with of-set analog sticks, a D-pad, and the traditional X, Y, A, and B buttons. The Start and Back buttons were replaced with Menu and View.
Overall, Microsoft has gone and created a privacy-invading, all-around entertainment system, not just a video game console. But video gamers don't want to spend the extra money on trinkets, or even a new cable box. Just a video game system that can handle new and used games, and just a general console feel. More on the Xbox One will be released during E3 on June 11th, and hopefully, gamers will get to know more about gameplay on the console.
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